Future-Proof Connectivity: The Evolution of KVM

Future-Proof Connectivity: The Evolution of KVM

What is KVM, why is it important, and how did it evolve to become such a critical part of organizations’ IT infrastructure around the world?

Keyboard, Video, and Mouse technology, or KVM as it is more fondly known, evolved along with technology, the voluminous rise in data, and the driving need to access that data reliably, securely, and in real-time.

KVM delivers instant access to multiple sources of data. It connects the dots, the puzzle pieces, and brings it all together exactly when you need it.

Behind the large screens with the hollering fans at the soccer stadium, the air traffic control tower guiding your plane into land, and your favorite movie production, lies KVM.

Can you imagine what would happen if the air traffic controller couldn’t access the data they needed instantaneously? Or if your chosen streaming service wasn’t able to broadcast your favorite TV series one day?

Thanks to KVM, PC operators can access their data instantly across the globe, connect to a server thousands of miles away, gather information from a multitude of sources, all with a performance so smooth, they don’t even notice it is there.

It is like the target computer is right there under the desk, when in reality, it may be situated thousands of miles away.

To find out more about the evolution of IP KVM, or discover how it can enhance your business and help it operate more effectively, download Adder’s latest whitepaper HERE.


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