Future-Proof Connectivity: KVM and IP - The Perfect Match

Future-Proof Connectivity: KVM and IP - The Perfect Match

Internet Protocol, or IP as it is more fondly known, has been one of the most significant changes to positively impact the corporate networking world for decades. Millions of global organizations continue to benefit from the advantages of IP connectivity, and the collaboration and control it offers.

Billions of dollars of investment have been made on the traditional switching technology alone to enable instant connectivity across buildings, campuses and around the world, so people can transfer documents, send emails, and collaborate.

Similarly, for those who need guaranteed, instant access to video content, IP technology signified a significant step change in the way video signals are distributed, transforming them from single streams travelling via dedicated connections into digital data on a network.

Instead of travelling into a conventional matrix switch and thence to users’ workstations via point-to-point extenders, content is divided into small, digital packets and transmitted via an Ethernet network. Today, IP KVM promises considerably more flexibility and reach than any other KVM technology, because anywhere the network goes, KVM signals can follow.

Simply put, IP sets KVM free.

Download Adder’s free 24-page whitepaper to find out why IP and KVM are a match made in heaven, and discover how your business could join the millions who are already reaping the rewards delivered by IP KVM.


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